“Art and Tea”

published on 31/03/2014

From April 4, 2014 to June 6, 2014,seven events.
Literature, art, philosophy, music...
Seven Fridays at 18:00.
An annual event in Sorrento at the I.C. Tasso.
It begins April 4th with Montale and ends up June 6th with Joyce.

Full Program:

April 4th - V. Russo - La bufera e l’angelo: letture da Montale.

April 11th - F.sco. Russo - La testa di Medusa: Loris Marin e Caravaggio.

May 9th - A. Maione e M. de Martino - Il mandolino dimenticato?

May 16th - M. Russo - Sul razzismo.

May 23rd - P. Gargiulo - Breve itinerario nell’Arte Contemporanea.

May 30th - E. Lauritano - Friederic Nietzsche in “Così parlò Zarathustra”.

June 6th - E.Angrilli - Vico road: a spasso con Joyce.